Avon’s on Point

Avon’s on Point

How to wear Aztec print

Avon’s on point with their clothing line lately, what used to be only suitable for middle aged women, is now fashion forward for all fashionista’s out there. mark. Aztec Empire Shorts will sure to dominate my summer wardrobe thanks to their fun Aztec print and dynamic colour combo. It has a higher waistline with an oh-so-comfy fit. You know this girl can’t get away from denim shirts, I must own about 10 of them now and this mark. Denim Days Sleeveless Top is now a new favourite. It’s done in an acid-wash that gives it a somewhat 80’s rock ‘n’ roll feel to it, that I absolutely love. It has brass studded detail on the shoulder to keep it fresh, trendy and unique. I now have another sleeveless denim shirt to add to my ever growing collection. I’m also totally in love with this turquoise and coral faux leather mark. Pop In Wallet. This colour-blocked wallet features 3 interior compartments, 1 zippered, 1 slip pocket and a total of 10 card slots. The back coral compartment pops up for when you only need to carry a few pieces.

 What I Wore:
Denim Top- c/o Avon
Watch- Fossil
Wallet- c/o Avon
Necklace- Smart Set
Aztec Print Shorts- c/o Avon
Shoes- c/o Hush PuppiesMark., Avon, Mark for Avon, Blogger, Fashion Crimes, Spring Fashion, Latest Fashion Trends, Fashion Tips, Toronto Blog Fashion Blog, What I Wore, Fashion Trends, Crimes of Fashion, Beauty Blog, Blog Canadian Fashion Blogs, The Pink Millennial, Ontario Blog, Dress Code, business casual for women Hush Puppies, Fossil Watch, Avon Wallet, Pink Clutch, White Watch, Statement Necklace, Teal Shoes Canadian Fashion Bloggers, Canadian Fashion Blog, summer outfits, spring shoes, heels Aztec Print Shorts (8) Canadian Fashion Blogger, Fashionista, stilettos, denim, jeans, acid wash Aztec Print Shorts (5)




Amber is just an everyday girl from Canada with a love of fashion and beauty. The Pink Millennial is a fashion, beauty and lifestyle blog that focus on personal style, beauty, home décor and so much more!

Find me on: Twitter | Facebook



  1. July 12, 2014 / 11:30 am

    ooh, I love your look too- I’m kinda in love with these shorts, can’t wait to style them again. PS you now have a few follower on Twitter- cant wait to chat some more

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