Sports Luxe

Sports Luxe

How to wear joggers

The weathers been a little wonky these past few days, one minute the sun is out, next minute its pouring rain, one day it’s in the high 30’s, next day its freezing. Head was pounding, probably because of the climate change, and I wasn’t in the mood to get ready. Sadly to say, I had to leave the house, so I reached for my favourite grey joggers with faux leather waistband from Smart Set. Thanks to its super soft, super comfy fabric with its relaxed fit and stretchy waistband, it gave me the comfort of my PJ’s, but with a stylish flare. Joggers are still going strong this season, this is the 4th time I’ve wore these, and for something I didn’t think was going to be so versatile, these sure have been a favourite of mine these past few months. It gave me the comfort I was looking for with a stylish flare. What’s your go-to outfit when feeling lazy, sick, sleepy or unmotivated???

 What I Wore:
Black Blouse- Smart Set
Sunglasses- Coach
Purse- Coach
Watch- Guess
Bracelet- Smart Set
Grey Joggers- Smart Set
Heels- Target

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Amber is just an everyday girl from Canada with a love of fashion and beauty. The Pink Millennial is a fashion, beauty and lifestyle blog that focus on personal style, beauty, home décor and so much more!

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