Animal Instinct

Animal Instinct

How to wear cheetah print

Animal prints can sometimes seem very sexy, but can easily transition into a daytime look with a little animal instinct. Try adding a simple blazer or distressed jean for a more laidback look. If you’re looking for a nighttime look, try a sheer animal print blouse and a fitted pencil skirt. Animal prints are often smaller in scale, making it more figure flattering on all body types. Because it’s such a bold print and pattern, make sure to wear it on parts of your body you love and want to showcase. Don’t be scared to mix your prints and patterns, and add texture like I did with this blazer with faux leather sleeves. It’s also okay to wear statement jewelry pieces, just remember to have fun with your prints, no matter what.

What I Wore
Animal Print Blouse- H&M
Necklace & Ring – c/o Cocoa Jewelry
Blazer- Smart Set
Purse- Kate Spade
Boyfriend Jeans- The Gap
Booties- c/o AvonWhat I Wore, Animal Print Blouse, H&M, Necklace,  Ring, Cocoa Jewelry, Blazer, Smart Set, Purse, Kate Spade Skort, Shorts, Skirt, Blogger, Fashion Crimes, Spring Fashion, Latest Fashion Trends, Fashion Tips, Toronto Blog, What I Wore, Crimes of Fashion, Summer Outfits &M Animal Print Blouse, H&M blouse, cocoa jewelry Necklace,  statement Ring, Cocoa Jewelry ring, black Blazer, Smart Set blazer, black handbag, Kate Spade purse Short hair, hair cut, hair style, bob cut, black hair, short hair cut, how to style short hair Boyfriend Jeans, The Gap, Booties, Avon, cheetah print, gap jeans, avon booties, black boots, open-toe, faux leather blazer, animal print blouse, how to wear cheetah print Fashion Blog, Fashion Trends, Beauty Blog, Blog, Canadian Fashion Blogs, business casual for women, Ontario Blog, Dress Code, Summer Shoes, OOTD The Pink Millennial, Dress Code, Canadian Fashion Bloggers, Canadian Fashion Blog, Canadian Fashion Blogger, Fashionista, Fashion, Style, what not to wear, My Look Day to Night, Outfit Ideas, Heels, Sparkle, Glitter, Heels, Denim, Sundresses, Jeans, Black And White, Colour Tee, Faux Leather



Amber is just an everyday girl from Canada with a love of fashion and beauty. The Pink Millennial is a fashion, beauty and lifestyle blog that focus on personal style, beauty, home décor and so much more!

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    • December 2, 2014 / 8:36 pm

      Awe thanks sweetie- can never go wrong with a little animal print, right?

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