H&M Olive Green Dress

H&M Olive Green Dress

How to wear a short dress

I’m not usually one to wear green, but there’s something about this H&M olive green dress that just works. Styling a shorter dress has its ups and downs. On the one hand, it shows off your killer legs and on the other hand, it can reveal too much. A general rule of thumb for those over 30, like myself, is to make sure the dress goes past the tip of your fingers. Yes, the old fashion schoolgirl rule is always a safe bet. Always make sure your bottom is covered and that you can’t see your underwear, for obvious reasons. When sitting, always fold the dress underneath your thighs and keep your legs crossed at all times. When getting out of the car, keep your legs as close together as possible and slide them out and stand immediately, we don’t want no Britney Spears slips.

 What I Wore:
Olive Green Dress- H&M
Necklace- Cocoa Jewelry
Purse- Michael Kors
Belt- Smart Set
Watch- Michael Kors
Sandals- Urban OriginalsOlive Green Dress, H&M, H&M Dress, Necklace, Cocoa Jewelry, Michael Kors Purse, Belt, Smart Set, Michael Kors Watch, Sandals Blogger, Fashion Crimes, Spring Fashion, Latest Fashion Trends, Fashion Tips, Toronto Blog Fashion Blog, What I Wore, Fashion Trends, Crimes of Fashion, Beauty Blog, Blog Canadian Fashion Blogs, The Pink Millennial, Ontario Blog, Dress Code, business casual for women White Purse, Short Dress, Gold Watch, Brown Belt, Red Nail Polish, High Heels, Leopard Heels, Shoes, Pumps Canadian Fashion Bloggers, Canadian Fashion Blog, summer outfits, spring shoes, heels Short hair, hair cut, hair style, bob cut, black hair, short hair cut, how to style short hair Canadian Fashion Blogger, Fashionista, stilettos, green dress, Canadian, Gold Necklace





Amber is just an everyday girl from Canada with a love of fashion and beauty. The Pink Millennial is a fashion, beauty and lifestyle blog that focus on personal style, beauty, home décor and so much more!

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1 Comment

  1. Modastic App
    July 3, 2014 / 12:08 pm

    Love your bag! Great look!

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